Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Are we a nation of laws? Or a nation of victims?

So why, when the executives of a huge financial company make bad business decisions, we feel the need to "bail" them out, and they walk away with millions? And the executives at Freddie and Fannie -- in tight with their buddies on Capitol Hill -- got millions too.

Can you imaging running a multi-billion dollar agency, run it into the ground, and walk away with $80 million? Let me introduce you to Franklin Raines, a past CEO of Freddie Mac.

But the little guy has to tighten up or go broke. No bailout there. Main street suffers. Small business (which employs about 80 percent of this country's workforce, I believe) has to cut back. At our company, at the beginning of 2008, we had 120 employees. We still only have 84. The owners took no pay during 2009. Where was their bailout. Nobody is too big to fail. In fact, if you're that big, and fail, you ought to fail.

When Arizona has to pass its own immigration enforcement laws because the federal government won't enforce the laws on the books, you know there is something gravely wrong.

And in the mortgage meltdown, when tens of thousands who took out responsible loans and are still struggling to stay afloat, the feds offer bailouts to those who have defaulted. Why? It's those greedy bankers. And don't forget the evil corporations.  It's not the fault of the home owner who made bad choices. Oh no.

We don't live in a society where actions have consequences -- anymore. Everyone is a winner. There are no losers. Kids are taught that as soon as they start school, thanks to leftist education policies. And it is always someone else's fault.

In other words, it has become part of our society that everyone can be considered a victim in some way. This type of mindset is destroying our society, and it will get even worse, unless something drastic takes place. When 50 percent of the people support the other 50 percent, we will be certainly on our road to failure as a country and a society. And it's the baby boomer generation that will get blamed by future generations, and rightly so.

I grew up learning that this is a nation based on the rule of law. But it seems to have changed.

An interesting read on this is Do laws even matter today? at USAToday. Scary stuff.

We are at a crossroads, and from here, the American dream will either die, or survive to go on as a dream that all the world wants. That's why they come here.

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